Investing in our healing is as important as our desire to be healed. We support what we value….
My life’s work has served to shine a sacred spotlight on the fact that before the door to healing, peace and love is opened, the trash bags (aka past hurts, unresolved childhood issues, self-esteem/ego-based matters) must be removed from the pathway. The method of removing baggage is personal for the individual, but the process is the same for all. A willingness to work with integrity is required.
With extraordinary help from The Divine, I have channeled and created a sacred process that is effective and efficient with everlasting results. It is life-changing, as described by clients who have completed the program and clients who are currently working the program with me.
I Ex-Am™ is exactly what it suggests: You face off with your “Ex-Self” as your TRUE self works to heal what prevents you from REALLY experiencing the love that surrounds you. Hard questions are asked and answered. Ego is uprooted and exposed. Lies are deleted and NOT judged. The truth is revealed. Freedom and movement produce confidence. With confidence, a brighter future is faced and the desires of your heart are certainly received. Imagine the joy of viewing a brighter future with clearer vision!
The program suggests 16 sessions are beneficial. However, 4, 8, 12 or 16+ sessions are available and payable upfront. As always, I will work with those who commit to working with me to add to the healing and NOT the hurt!
A lie can never be healed. Tell the truth. Adjust your vision with an I Ex-Am™ as you do honest Work With De Vida®
Looking forward,
De Vida Gray Touré, Owner of Work With De Vida®
Adjust your vision with an I Ex-Am™
All images and content © 2025 De Vida Gray Touré/Work With De Vida® All Rights Reserved.