HEALTHY SELF = Heal Thy Self. You are unique and likely very creative and gifted. Your TRUE gifts and talents have not yet been fully realized, because you have spent a lifetime attempting to understand why you were treated poorly or entered relationships with people who undervalued you. The abuse you suffered (whether it was emotional, physical, mental or spiritual) at the hands of an untrained “person of faith” or unhealed person(s) was not your fault. You did nothing to “make” someone hurt you. You sense things differently, because you are sensitive to the subtleties of the world. Most healers are sensitive. The support you lacked was not an attack, but presented an opportunity to develop self-love, strength, courage and wisdom. It is impossible to truly appreciate any experience or exchange without loving and accepting yourTrueSelf. Your caregivers likely did the best they could. If they did not, it was likely because they could not or perhaps a conscious decision was made to not healthily invest in your well-being. This is not your fault, but it is your choice to move forward now. Whatever the case, you are not responsible for the actions or inaction of others. Betrayal is not okay. Abuse is any form is not ever acceptable or justifiable. Dis-ease is not a death sentence; if you are breathing you are alive. Being LGBQT is not a crime, handicap or excuse for being abused or abusive. Race and ethnicity do not come with an option to use ignorance as a means to discriminate, alienate or perpetuate hatred. Gender is not a weapon to be used to harm or deny. No book, church, affiliation, ritual or rite will save a person with bad character. Lies have no place in loving and respectful relationships. God does not separate us; religion often does. YOU are responsible for your healing and happiness. There is no price for peace, but we certainly pay for bad behavior. You can do so much better. We can help. If you are willing to face forward, we will ALWAYS have your back. We work!
We have sacredly created and offer many options. Here are a few:
I Ex-Am™- Keep your frames; we will help to correct your vision by way of truth, trust and transformation.
Spiritual Development: With Class™– Discover and develop REAL tools that will elevate you. Build a new home (aka Mind, Body, Spirit) with your own hands and your own plans.
Guided Consultations with De Vida– Look deeper into the spiritual and ancestral matters connected to your karma and life path. Beyond the limitations of surface religious beliefs, discover the TRUTH as you learn to understand YOUR personal connection to the source of all good things. Experience profound healing as we shift your focus away from ego-based fears and misinformation... one sacred session at a time. We will help to enhance the light above and around you so that you may see your way to more positive experiences.
We do not judge. We do not tolerate negativity, racism, ego, hatred or bullying in ANY form or ANY way. We do not cower. We do not give up on those committed to doing honest work. Just as it was a process to develop imbalance, so too is it a process to restore balance.
We are here. We are real. We are skilled. We are a resource (not The Source). We understand. We care. We are ready to work with and for you. Ready? For fees, scheduling and for additional information, please contact us.
All images and content © 2025 De Vida Gray Touré/Work With De Vida® All Rights Reserved.
You grew up in a family that did not understand you, because you were unlike anyone else around you. Your past physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse caused great pain in your life and relationships. Being bullied (or bullying) was a necessary part of your life. You are stuck in your past hurts and pains. You have no way out of negative thinking or a dark past. You suffered greatly, because you were abandoned, neglected or not protected as a child. Being LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer) is a curse or crime punishable by man and/or overzealous and judgmental “religious” people. You did not receive the support YOU needed from your loved ones in order to prepare you for the world. Chemical and/or illegal substances were needed to help you cope with your emotions. One or both of your parents do not understand you and there is no healthy connection. It is okay for people professing to “love” you to treat you cruelly as long as they “apologize” each time they hurt you. You are damaged, because you were assaulted, domestically abused and/or imprisoned. Your disease is your destiny. Betrayal is manageable. God aka The Divine aka The Universe aka LOVE requires that you suffer. You will live the rest of your life only dreaming of a reality that includes a balanced, loving, HEALTHY and prosperous life. Someone or something else is responsible for your healing and happiness.